I know you're all curious to find out about the people mentioned on the page, so here's the list, and later look for the reasons that they are so awesome. (They are in alphabetical order, to avoid any fights)
Amy-The cool chick who owns the coffee shop that we've been going to everyday for lunch for the past year. She puts up with our loudness, and gives us free coffee and cocoa sometimes.
Brenda/Bron/Brecell-My locker partner. She always lets me copy her chem homework, so she is my hero!
Cally-Cool because she signed my guestbook, and she's from Kenosha. Her cousin is going to UW-Mad, where I'll be next year, woohoo. Visit her site.
Craig-My totally amazing stepfather. I would be lost with out you, still stuck in the man hating days!! Thanks!!
Cristin-I'm glad you like purple, thanks for signing my guestbook.
Dani-Susan's S.O. and my new housemate. We get along grandly, as far as I'm concerned.
Danny-Another online friend of Emily's who wandered onto my page and enjoys my candor. I like me candid, so I'm glad you enjoy reading it. And I do remember you!
Dina-You have been so cool with recent stuff, you are so amazing for being so supportive!! Thank you!!!
Emily-The most important person in my life right now. Check out her spiffy site.
Forest-I tease him a lot, but he's really an awesome guy. He has a very bright future ahead of him, that's for sure.
Frau Dwire-My cool German teacher who doesn't really care if we spend a whole class period doing nothing, just as long as we speak German. She's organized Stammtisch for us, which is my favorite thing in the world. Well, almost my favorite thing in the world.
Geoffrey-One of Emily's online buddies who signed my gbook a while back, I just forgot to add him. Helped me with the cars page, cause I know next to nothing about how brakes work.
Jackie-What to say about Jackie, hmmm, she's an awesome gymnast, and a great friend. I don't know what I would do with out her sometimes.
Jake-One of the few friends from Wisconsin that I still keep in touch with. He's the second person that I've told about some stuff.
Jen-The loudest person I know (I love you anyway), she can attract puppies better than I can. I like your hair!!
Jill-My boss, mentor, confidant, *aunt*, you have filled so many roles, and holes in my life. Thank you!!
Jon Drew-This guy has signed my guestbook 4 times!! Two of them were during his fight with Tom, thanks for the entertainment, again.
LarsMagenta-Du bist sehr nett, weil du ein bißchen Deutsch spechst.
Lilith-Geoffrey's sweetie, very cool for signing my guestbook.
Lindsey-She was my best friend in middle school, in Wisconsin. I always wanted to be just like her, I thought she was so cool. We've kind of kept in touch over the years, especially now that I might be going back there for school.
Liz-The number one most awesome cool 17 year old in Wisconsin. We
went to middle school together.
Marla-My aunt in Arizona. She's been really cool to talk to lately.
Matt-*sigh* I must add him because he signed my guestbook, yay Matt, you rock! :) Matt is also my flash buddy, and he basically taught me how to put together a domain, and I still screw it up everytime I work on it. Plus he's very useful in my plots to mess with other friends and ex-friends.
Matt Z.-Some of you may remember the story about him getting in my pants. :) If not think what you will.
Maura-A chick from Italy who thinks I'm fun.
Mom-I know it's cheesy, but I love you. Thank you.
Sandy-A very cool chick who thinks I'm cool. She has a fun site. Yay for Sandy!
Sarah-A chick from Hades who likes my page and thinks it's funny. Go you!
Shelby-She is especially cool because she has not only signed my guestbook once, but twice!!!! I am so not cool for not having added her before.
Steph-She has a cool name, though she spells it the wrong way. I have no idea how she ended up here, but she signed my guestbook, so she's automatically cool.
Susan-Same as Jill, minus the boss piece. You are one of my many heroes, I want to be you when I grow up.
Tom-Thanks for having that argument in my guestbook. It was very amusing.
Torie-A cool chick who lives in a cool place (DC). You should all visit her new website. I command you!
Well, I hadn't intended to get cheesy like that, but I did, so deal with it. I'll keep adding when I have more time.