Gilly's Glen

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Last updated: September 13th @ 7:37pm
This is my first and last update from Wisconsin. I've given it a lot of thought during my two week absense, and have come to the conclusion that I no longer want to post my life online. There's too much about my life that has to be hidden from certain people for it to be worth the risk when I put stuff on the site. I hate having to censor myself as much as I do on the site, so from now on, if you want any information about me, you're just going to have to email me. The site will stay up, as is, and there's some new stuff I have that I haven't put up that may end up on here eventually. As a final update....I am really enjoying school in Wisconsin. I've met some cool people, and my roommate is a lot of fun. I was really homesick last week, but I'm getting better everyday, though I still call home almost everyday. In case it's not blatantly obvious, that's a super censored version of the last two weeks. If you want to hear more, you're going to have to email me, and I will tell you only what you deserve to hear. But I promise it will be far more interesting than the previous statements. To the rest of you who don't care, hope I've been of some entertainment to you. Otherwise, goodbye. I'm off to go and do something that I'm choosing not to talk about here.

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I'm a moron, please tell me what a glen is, O Wise One.

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